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Literature Review: Biofilm formation on medical devices


This report investigated the issue of biofilm associated infections and discussed the use of antimicrobial peptides, probiotics, and gold nanoparticles.

Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: A Market Analysis

Fall 2022

Our team collaborated with a PI at UNC Chapel Hill to evaluate the eosinophilic esophagitis market for a novel pharmaceutical product. A market overview, competitive landscape, and case study were performed.

Literature Review: Bioregenerative Life Support Systems


This report analyzed the unmet need for technology to allow humans to travel on long-term space missions as well as create sustainable food sources on Earth, and evaluated current research on MELiSSA, a bioregenerative life support system, to combat this challenge.

A novel vaccine for non-typhoidal Salmonella

Spring 2022

Our team collaborated with a PI at NC State and the Office of Research and Commercialization to assist in licensing a novel Salmonella vaccine. A market analysis was performed as well as effective KOL outreach to agricultural companies who may be interested in licensing the vaccine.

CMI: Swine Surveillance
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Fall 2021

Our team collaborated with a PI at NC State who is developing a swine surveillance technology. We performed a market and competitor analysis as well as investigated potential expansion opportunities for the technology. 

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Current Event: Novel Stem Cell Transplant method


I reported on a study that described a novel approach to stem cell transplants using antibody-drug conjugates without the need of chemotherapy.

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Literature Review: Aptamer Diagnostics


I utilized primary sources in order to create conclusions on the use of aptamers as vectors for the delivery of doxorubicin to cancerous cells.


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Graduate Student

North Carolina State University 




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